Scoop Brancisco Terminates TSA

Scoop Bracisco is terminating TSA (Team Sober Artists) -a non-profit organization of alcohole free, drug-free, and drama-free artists.

"It just didn't work out," says Mr. Brancisco, "and I finally decided to end this nonsense."

So what did TSA actually do? Any activity of any sort?

"We stayed sober. Well, at least we tried. But you've got to keep in mind...artists are basically liberal. They hate to be restricted. An organization that asks you to stay sober just didn't work out for them. As for the members of TSA, I hate to break them up...thinking of all the history, time, and difficulties that we went through...but I figured we must go on on our own ways."

Any possible reunion in the future?

"Well," Mr. Brancisco chuckles, "I can't promise you anything, but let's put it this way: there is never 'never'. Anything is possible."

Scoop Brancisco Forms TSA

Scoop Bracisco is forming TSA (Team Sober Artists) -a non-profit organization of alcohole free, drug-free, and drama-free artists.

"I've learned my lesson," says Mr. Brancisco, "and I must finally take the action to straighten myself up."

So what does TSA actually do? Any activity of any sort?

"We stay sober."

...That's it? Any particular method or reason to stay sober?

"No, just stay sober. That's all there is. There is nothing complicated about it. We are not trying to challenge anyone or any specific stereotype. We are a bunch of artists who just want to stay alert and focused for 24 hours sharp...soberness is our answer."

Current members of TSA include Anon Nymas, Jim Backer, Mitsuhiro Kuwahara, Sam Gouhye, Justan Pahson, and Tom Ficshonal.

Scoop Brancisco Gets Too Drunk

Three glasses were all it took.

"I don't know how I went home," says Mr. Brancisco, "But I did go home... I mean, I'm pretty sure that I walked, but I lost my memory...thanks God, I woke up on my bed in the morning."

Thanks God, it was his day off from work too because he also had terrible head aches from the hang-over.

"It's just not have good time when you are drinking, but the happy time is so instant. The terrible time, or should I say 'recover time'(?). follows it. And the recover time usually lasts much longer than the happy time."

Mr. Brancisco used to drink a lot more alcohole. That, however, was such a long time, and now he is too old to drink more than two glasses of beer.

"Every problem has a solution," claims Mr. Brancisco, "and I will have to find a solution for this one as well. If drinking alcohole makes me suffer, then that obviously is a problem. I really have to do something about it. I have no time to wander more time to waste anymore. It may be difficult to find a perfect solution, but I will get to it. I will use all my mighty power and brain to come up with the most brilliant solution of all time that everyone can agree on and I shall finally-"

Just quit drinking for Christ sake!!

Scoop Brancisco Participates in a Group Show

It's all about the timing.

Scoop Brancisco is showing some of his latest works in an epic art exhibition, entitled "Love Makers & Heart Breakers", at Amsterdam Cafe in the heart of San Francisco.

"The works were painted specifically for this exhibition," says Mr. Brancisco, "when I hear about the theme of this exhibition -love making and heart breaking- I pictured two different actions that could be done by the same person. People question themselves if they are love makers or heart breakers, but they could be both... sometimes you are nice -love making- and some other time you are mean -heaert breaking- people have both sides. That's just the nature of human being. No one is perfect. If someone claims that he or she is perfect, that's a lie. It's impossible to be perfect. I wanted to created a work of art that has both love-making and heart-breaking elements."

The opening reception for the exhibition was December 7th, Monday, which was three days ago.

"However, to be a grown-up, one has to mimic that he is patient and whatnot...trying to show the 'love making side' all the time. It becomes harder to take the damn risk..."

Scoop Brancsico Interviewed by Lynn Ruth Miller

On November 9th, 2009, Scoop Brancisco was interviewed by Lynn Ruth Miller -a respectful fellow artist, actress, stand-up comedian, poet, writer, comedian, host, cook, and comedian- at MELT!, a cozy Europian cafe in the heart of San Francisco. (Check their web page at here.)

"The interview went quite well," says Mr.Brancisco, "and...oh well, all well, damn know well."

"Besides," Mr. Brancisco continues, "their fondue was quite spectacular...I didn't actually eat it, but I could still smell it."

You can read the content of the interview in here.

Scoop Brancisco Hangs Some of His Old Stuff in a Spa

Yes, the time has come.

Scoop Brancisco is hanging some of his old paintings in Integrative Spa, San Francisco.

"These paintings" says Mr. Brancisco, "were painted specifically for spas. They are meant to ease the viewers' mind and a decent spa, such as the Integratice Spa, are the most ideal location to hang them."

Paintings specially for spas....? You never said anything about that when you painted them a few years ago...

"It was all in my mind." Mr. Brancisco points at his head.

"Besides, it's a wonderful spa. Although I have never tried any of the service, the staff members are excellent and their skin treatments are just....just fantastic. Oh, and don't forget theis waxing services."

If you want to ease your eyes, body, and spirit at the same time, you should definitely check out Integrative Spa in San Francisco.

Their site is:

The video commercial can be seen at the video page.

Scoop Brancisco Performs OK in NIPAF

On September 29th, 2009, Scoop Brancisco performed "Transformation: Art Talk -Art, Artists, and Society Now and Then-" in NIPAF (Nippon International Performance Art Festival), Tokyo.

Whaaat? It's already November, and why are you writing about something that happened more than a month ago?

...That's because I'm too damn slow with typing!

The performance went ok. Mr. Brancisco gave a speech on how he felt about the artist, society, how artists should be treated in the society, and such. "I believe" says Mr.Brancisco, "no other art medium is more powerful and dependable than words because they are direct, quick, and easily comprehensible."

Whaaat? But what about painting? Aren't you a painter and isn't painting all about your art practice?

"...Well, everything changes, you know? If I say that words (talking) works the best, it is the best, you know?"

The meidum of performance art itself is so unique that it is uneasy to fully discribe.
"There were many other performance artists in the festival," claims Mr.Brancisco, "but I don't think I can fully describe the sensation that I got seeing their works live."
Yes, that is the best thing about performance art: you have to see them LIVE. The artists, audiences, their movements, intensity, silence, sound, accidents...many factors tranform the space and its atmosphere into something...something other than what you see in your ordinary life. And that something may, or most likely will, dramatically change your life.

"So," says Mr. Brancisco, "next time when you see a NIPAF sign in the corner of streets, I suggest you dive into it."

Scoop Brancisco's Official Website Launched

Absolutely no one has ever asked for it, but Scoop Brancisco has finally launched his own web-site.

'It may be a tiny step for human beings,' says Mr. Brancisco, 'but it is a huge step for me.'
Mr. Brancisco is planning to perform nermorous updates for his website. 'Well,' he states, 'that is the plan... at least for now. I guess it really depends on how the condition of my financial and mental states are going to be.'

According to his past records, Mr. Brancisco rarely keeps his promises. 'I sincerely hope that I am not going to make the same mistake again.'

He concludes: 'I need a job.'

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All Images andVideos © 2009-2059 Scoop Brancis Co.